Quality and Information Security Policy

RedShift Management assumes the following commitments as a way to exercise the leadership indispensable to the implementation and improvement of the company’s management system:

  • Define and disseminate the company’s Management Policy;
  • Define and disseminate the Management Objectives through the monitoring and review meetings of the company’s management system;
  • Actively participate in the definition, implementation and monitoring of business processes;
  • Integrate process management and risk-based thinking into the company’s management model;
  • Make the necessary resources available for the company’s management system;
  • Communicate the importance of effective quality management, information security and privacy and its compliance with the requirements of the management system;
  • Promote and engage directly with the improvement of the processes and results of the management system;
  • Support and lead the different functional areas of the company;
  • Ensure that requirements and applicable statutory, legal and regulatory requirements are consistently determined, understood and satisfied;
  • Ensure that risks and opportunities that may affect the compliance of products and services and the ability to increase satisfaction of customers, partners, and employees are determined and addressed, and in particular risks that may affect the security (confidentiality, integrity or availability/continuity) of information or privacy;
  • Ensure that the focus is maintained on increasing customer satisfaction.

Policy contained in the Redshift Management System Manual (v.1.3 – 24-09-2021)